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Previous Editions
ICT in Practice 2020
Engineering machine learning applications
Petra Heck
AI is not ready for use - Design and build models with less data, and more thought
Gerard Schouten
Moral programming: ethics at the front door
Bart Wernaart
World modeling in automated driving
Jos Elfring
How does your computer understand your facial emotions?
Kiavash Bahreini
Why bots need emotions
Mark de Graaf
Machine vision-driven manufacturing automation in the factory of the future
Thomas Woudsma
Let’s work together: How your co-bot can become a trusted colleague
Marijke Bergman and Sandra Bedaf
Becoming the data science department of 400000 SMEs
Judith Redi
TamaCoachee: a virtual coachee in your pocket
Sebas Nouwen & Janienke Sturm
Robots with character: What we can learn from Disney to develop more intuitive products
Marijke de Geus
How smart industry?
Teade Punter
Let’s talk about griefbots
Rens van der Vorst
Visualizing music with machine learning
Erik Driessen
SMILEI: Five steps to design emotional game mechanics
Wouter Sluis-Thiescheffer
Demystifying AI
Sako Arts
Cyber security in smart industry?
Casper Schellekens
Using cobots for testing of navigation systems
Rink van Laar
Use bots to get insights!
Joost Hermans & Manon Junggeburth
AI: a Call to action
Emile Aarts